Techn1ca1 informat1on电脑蓝屏怎么处理

发布:华东医药商务网 来源:比特大雄 日期:2019年12月27日 阅读:0

有的时辰会忽然蓝屏;还有就是装系统时也会如许,考进系统文件,重启就会呈现如许的蓝屏代码Techn1ca1 informat1on A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computerif this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen restart your computer . if this screen appars again. follw these steps:check for viruses on your computer . remove anynewly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated run chkdsk /f to check for hard drive corruption.and then restart you computerTechn1ca1 informat1on呈现这个成绩重装系统能处置好, 还有假如系统没坏可以点窜硬盘格局来


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